

временно отстраняване

During a match a player that is deemed by the referee to warrant a disciplinary sanction could be issued with a caution (indicated by a yellow card) or dismissal (indicated by a red card).

A player who has been cautioned and shown a yellow card may continue to play in that match. However, if they are cautioned again in the same match (by being shown a second yellow card immediately followed by the showing of the red card) then they are dismissed from the field of play. A player who has been dismissed (by being show a straight red card) is required to leave the field of play immediately

Играчите ще получат наказание ако бъдат изгонени в мач от първенството или ако натрупат определен брои жълти картони по време на сезона.

The suspension system is split into two areas, SMFA (club and international) and domestic:

Интернационалните наказания на SMFA покриват всички SMFA национални състезания. Тези състезания включват:-

If a player receives two cautions or an instant dismissal during an SMFA international match then they will be suspended from the next competitive game. A player will also be suspended for one match after accumulating two separate cautions during the tournament.

SMFA забрани за клуб покриват всички SMFA клубни надпревари. Тези надпревари включват:-

If a player receives two cautions or an instant dismissal during an SMFA club match then they will be suspended from the next competitive game. A player will also be suspended for one match after accumulating two separate cautions during the tournament.

Domestic suspensions cover all domestic club competitions. These competitions include:-

Даден играч е наказан да не играе в следващият мач от вътршното първенство, ако е получил два жълти картона. Също така, ако получи директен червен картон по време на мач, той ще бъде наказан за следващите три мача. Ако бъде декориран в жълто пет отделни пъти по време на първенството, той ще бъде наказан за следващата среща.

You can check to see how many cautions your players have accumulated within your Squad page under the Statistical tab or alternatively within a Players Profile under the Statistics tab.

At the start of a new domestic season all cautions accumulated from the previous season during SMFA club and domestic competitions are cleared. Likewise, at the start of a SMFA World Cup all cautions accumulated during the SMFA World Cup Qualifiers are cleared.